Practice Connect #146

9 June 2022

Welcome to this Practice Connect, a fortnightly update for practice managers, nurses and practice administration staff on relevant issues, upcoming events and education.


Winter-Strategy.jpgWinter Strategy



Free Influenza Vaccination Program June 2022  

The WA Government is offering a reimbursement and possible grant for influenza vaccinations administered by GP practices during the month of June. 
General practices and pharmacies will need to register for the program to access the reimbursements.  

General Practices with a Onelink account will receive an email with an individual link for their practice to register. Further information recently updated by the Department of Health WA can be found here.

A recording of our Webinar presented by WA Primary Health Alliance and WA Department of Health Communicable Disease Control Directorate is available now.  

The presentation discusses an outline of the program along with record keeping tips, Influenza promotional resources and Quality Improvement opportunities.  

A copy of the presentation slides can be found here

To access the recording of the webinar click here




The importance of driving influenza vaccination in general practice

The latest data from WA Health Virus Watch (outlined in the table below) provides a salient reminder of the important role of general practice in driving influenza vaccination.

The number of influenza cases reported to the Department of Health WA increased to 146 in the past week, well above the seasonal threshold and rising at a similar rate to WA’s worst flu season in 2019.
Given the effect of influenza in 2019, it is no surprise that vaccination doses recorded in 2020 remain the highest seen in W.A. Whilst 2022 influenza vaccination doses are trending at 2021 levels, coverage remains lower than historical levels at 20.8% of the population.
Vaccination rates for our most vulnerable cohorts - 65+ are lagging in 2022, at 54.5% overall, whilst in 2021 we managed to achieve over 61% vaccination rates in this group.
With influenza notifications rapidly rising, it is imperative we support our vulnerable population through improved levels of vaccination. For further assistance in identifying and supporting your local vulnerable population please contact Practice Assist on 1800 2 ASSIST (277 478) or



GP Respiratory Clinics available to see respiratory and COVID patients

GP Respiratory Clinics (GPRCs) are available to see your respiratory symptomatic or COVID-19 positive patients (both adults and children) face-to-face and via telehealth. GPRCs provide assessment and management for COVID-19 and are not just testing centres. They can follow up with COVID-19 positive patients who require clinical support.

This may be a good option if your practice cannot see respiratory patients safely, reducing the risk of infection to staff and other patients. It also provides an option for COVID-19 positive telehealth patients that you think may need a face-to-face examination that cannot be done at your practice

Read more and book an appointment here




New patient resource answering common questions about influenza vaccination & pregnancy

The Australian Government Department of Health has released a new video featuring Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Professor Alison McMillan on why it’s important to get your flu vaccine when you’re pregnant.
The video answers the following questions from patients:

  • Is it safe for women to receive a flu vaccination at any stage of their pregnancy?
  • What potential adverse reactions should pregnant women be aware of following the flu vaccination?
  • Does getting the flu vaccination while pregnant protect unborn babies from flu?

Download the video to share through your practice channels here


PA-Icon-3-(5).JPG   COVID-19 Updates 


Medicare Ineligible Patient Funding: Good News Story

There are still hundreds of Medicare ineligible West Australians who are yet to receive their COVID-19 vaccines or who may be due for a booster. The University of Western Australia’s Health and Medical Centre has had great success within this space – administering more than 484 vaccinations to date.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout Medicare ineligible international students at the University were left confused about where to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.  Practice manager Sharon Almeda said this motivated the doctors at the Centre.

“Our doctors believed it was a public health priority and said, ‘bring them in’, they never really thought about payment for consultations from the international student cohort” Ms Almeida said.

“The students were confused about where they could receive their vaccine and were really appreciative. English is their second language and knowing where to go could be quite confusing.” 
The Centre also helped students stranded in Australia due to border closures become fully vaccinated.  “They’re students, they’re eating 80cent noodles, so paying for a vaccine can be quite unaffordable,” Ms Almeida said.
Students were encouraged to bring in friends or colleagues who may be Medicare ineligible for their COVID-19 vaccine.

WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) has since organised for doctors at UWA to receive payments for these services via Medicare ineligible patient funding. “The doctors were surprised at the retrospective payment offer by WAPHA,” Ms Almeida said.

Ms Amelda also acknowledged the University’s preferred overseas student health cover provider, Medibank, for supporting COVID-19 vaccinations for students.

Medicare ineligible patient funding has now been extended to 31 December 2022 to the value of the equivalent MBS item number.

If you would like further information about this funding, contact Practice Assist and a member of the vaccination team will be in touch as soon as possible.



Vaccine Fridge Management

With the upcoming flu season, and the need to store both the COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccines, some vaccine refrigerators may be reaching capacity. To maintain vaccine potency and safety, sites need to correctly stores vaccines in line with the best practice guidelines found in the National Vaccine Storage Guidelines ‘Strive for 5’.
Some tips for using your purpose-built vaccine refrigerator:

  • Check the expiry dates of stock
  • Rotate vaccines with the shortest expiry dates to the front of the refrigerator when receiving a new delivery. 
  • Store vaccines in their original packaging to insulate it from temperature fluctuations and  protect them from light.
  • Do not overstock or overcrowd shelves. Overstocking increases the likelihood of a cold chain breach placing all vaccine stock at risk.
  • Allow space between vaccines for airflow to maintain constant ambient temperatures.
  • Vaccines should be kept at least 4cm from refrigerator walls to reduce the risk of freezing.



Excess COVID-19 Vaccines

To mitigate the risk of vaccine wastage all sites must manage their stock appropriately. One option is to transfer excess stock to surrounding sites in need of vaccines. We recommend you reach out to your local networks to try and redistribute your excess vaccines.
If you require assistance in this process, please call the Vaccine Operations Centre (VOC) on 1800 318 208 or email . The VOC can attempt to find surrounding sites that need vaccine or may be able to use your excess vaccines to fulfil additional order requests.
The VOC will take into consideration:

  • shelf-life
  • time in transit and
  • clinic location
Practices will need to provide the VOC with the following details for the assessment:
  • details about excess stock, including batch number
  • expiry date and thaw use by date and
  • number of excess doses

Please note despite best efforts, the VOC will not be able to coordinate a redirection for every request.



COVID-19 in Australia - Disease & Vaccination Webinar

With the latest facts about COVID-19 in Australia, this webinar  for Health Professionals presented by the Immunisation Coalition covers everything you need to know about the disease, available vaccines and the latest developments in the Pandemic

Learn about:

  • SARS-CoV-2 - The latest research from around the globe
  • COVID-19 in Australia
  • Transmission and prevention
  • Available vaccines, efficacy and safety
  • Vaccine Booster Programs

Register for this webinar here


    Alcohol & Other Drugs



Empowering general practice to manage alcohol and other drug issues

GPs and practice nurses often see the impact of alcohol and drug use on people’s wellbeing and are well placed to offer treatment.

Initiating a respectful, yet clinical, conversation with a patient about their alcohol or drug use can be difficult but there are dedicated resources available to support GPs and practice nurses to carry out these important conversations comfortably and confidently.

The HealthPathways WA alcohol intervention guide provides clinical tools, referral pathways and treatments options to support patients with alcohol and other drug concerns.
For support with addressing alcohol and other drug use among older Australians, WA Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) has partnered local addiction specialists and GPs to develop a series of short online video resources to help GPs have respectful conversations about alcohol and other drug use with older patients.
For additional professional development and skill based techniques, primary  health professionals can access the WAPHA funded Treating Alcohol and Other Drugs in Primary Care (TADpole) Program delivered by Edith Cowan University (ECU), the Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service, delivered by the Mental Health Commission, and national GP AOD education and training programs delivered by the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and RACGP.
With the support of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services and Treating Alcohol and Drugs in Primary Care Program, WAPHA has established WA’s first Project ECHO Network to deliver a series of expert led, online forums designed to support 
primary health care to work effectively with people experiencing alcohol and other drug related harm. 
Project ECHO Initiative Session 5: Let’s keep alcohol use under control takes place Thursday 23 June. Find out more below, and register here



The Alcohol & Other Drug Network – providing evidence-based information collaboratively 

Project ECHO is a robust evidence-based platform, that provides GPs clinical treatment and diagnosis recommendations in a peer-learning format. The Alcohol & Other Drug Network – A Project ECHO Initiative, invites GPs and allied health professionals across WA, to join and hear the latest AOD evidence, in context of WA’s primary care landscape.

WA’s first Project ECHO, the Alcohol & Other Drug Network – A Project ECHO Initiative, is off to a great start with four completed sessions. General practitioners and other primary care practitioners from across the state are taking up the one-of-a-kind opportunity to collaborate and raise awareness of the current AOD treatment options and support services available in WA.

Conducted via Zoom on the fourth Thursday of each month, the sessions combine the knowledge and skills of the primary care workforce in the AOD space along with Addiction Medicine Specialists. Conducted in a drop-in format, practitioners are invited to join the sessions at any point in time. Over the course of the program, primary care practitioners will build their confidence and capability to support people experiencing AOD issues.

By the end of the program, participants of The Alcohol & Other Drug Network – A Project ECHO Initiative, will be able to:

  • Identify learning techniques to improve GP capability in engaging and managing patients’ who experience challenges with AOD issues.
  • Identify areas of expertise needed to improve treatment of AOD addiction problems in general practice.
  • Discuss strategies to improve the confidence and capability of GPs to engage and manage patients’ experiencing AOD challenges.


Upcoming Sessions

Session 5:  Let’s keep alcohol use under control

Part 2: Preventing relapse - Overview of Pharmacotherapies and Treatment supports
  • Pharmacotherapies for alcohol relapse prevention
  • Non-medical supports for relapse prevention
Speaker: Dr Richard O’Regan
Thursday 23 June, 6 – 7:30pm - Register now

Session 6: Understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alcohol and drug use

Working effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 
  • Cultural context of AOD use for Aboriginal people.
  • Meeting the needs of the Aboriginal community in remote and rural WA.
  • Approaches and interventions that work for Aboriginal people.
Speaker: Hope Community Services
Leah Ashwin– Counsellor/Educator, Calvin Ashwin – Peer Support Worker, Sam Doran – Goldfields Community Alcohol and Drug Service Manager.
Thursday 28 July, 6 – 7:30pm - Register now



The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is a major cause of preventable disease and illness in Australia. 

Studies estimate that at least 30% to 50% of people with mental health or alcohol or other drug problems have co-occurring problems.  

Alcohol is responsible for significant levels of preventable harm in Western Australia and causes the most overall harm when considering harm to those who use and harm when compared to other drugs.  AOD-web-article.jpg

Alcohol status is a key lifestyle indicator that can be measured in general practice and has been proven to impact chronic disease and mental health.  

Through Practice Assist, our Quality Improvement team can work with you to identify missing lifestyle factors and also target patients who identify under specified criteria. Please contact Practice Assist for additional support. 

For access to hard copy resources including brochures, booklets and usb’s click here   

In addition there is a range of resources available to General Practice in relation to Alcohol and Other Drugs.  



Go Dry this July and raise money with the Dry Docs team

WACHS Director of Public Health Medicine, Dr Marisa Gilles is encouraging GPs to rise to the challenge and join her Dry July Dry Docs team.

Leading by example may help you start those important conversations around safe drinking while raising much needed funds for cancer.

Join Dr Giles team at and download promotional materials and resources to share through your practice channels like this Dry Docs team poster



Alcohol and Other Drugs Pathways Update

HealthPathways WA has a suite of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) pathways which include both clinical and request information. The clinical pathways contain information on how to assess and manage a patient during a consultation, whereas the request pages map services GPs and other health professionals can refer patients into. With the overarching aim of assisting clinicians in navigating patients through the complex primary, community and acute health care system in Western Australia.

The AOD suite of pathways include:

Clinical Pathways

Request Pages

Other related pathways: Chronic Hepatitis C

Disclaimer: Some of these pathways are currently under review.

To gain access to the site, give feedback or to add a service to a request page email the HealthPathways team at

Recently Localised Pathways 

Recently Reviewed Pathways 



PA-Icon-10-(4).JPG  Immunisation Updates



Updated WA Immunisation Schedule

The WA Immunisation Schedule has again been updated to include the ‘Free Influenza Vaccination Program - June 2022’.
Please ensure that any outdated schedules are removed from use and replaced with the new pink coloured schedule (dated 1 June 2022).



Timely and accurate reporting of vaccinations to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Please read the following messages from Australian Government Department of Health’s Immunisation and Communicable Diseases Branch regarding the importance of reporting timely and accurate vaccination information to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR):

Reporting timely, high quality and accurate vaccination information ensures that the AIR contains a complete and reliable dataset to enable the monitoring of immunisation coverage and administration. It also ensures that individuals have a complete record of their vaccinations that can be provided as evidence for education, employment, and/or travel purposes.
Under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 it is mandatory for vaccination providers to report all COVID-19, influenza, and National Immunisation Program vaccinations to the AIR.
To ensure accurate and complete reporting of vaccination information to the AIR, vaccination providers must provide the following information:

  • provider information: provider number, name and contact details
  • personal information of the individual vaccinated: Medicare number (if applicable), name, contact details, date of birth and gender
  • vaccine information: brand name, dose number and batch number and date of administration.


Batch Numbers

It has been identified that a significant number of AIR records have a batch number that has been recorded incorrectly. 
Please make sure that you are reporting the correct batch number to the AIR. The Department is aware that some Practice Management Software stores and/or autofill's previously entered information which can lead to data entry errors, it is important to correct this information prior to submission.

Reporting medical contraindications to the AIR

When reporting a medical contraindication to the AIR is important for eligible health professionals to complete the Australian Immunisation Register Immunisation Medical Exemption (IM011) form in line with the latest clinical guidance in the Australian Immunisation Handbook, for NIP vaccines, or from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation for COVID.
Vaccination providers are reminded not to include any additional information such as clinical notes or test results and/or attach letters when recording a medical contraindication. This may cause delays in processing and if the IM011 form is incomplete, invalid, or unsigned it will be returned to the vaccination provider.
The quickest and easiest way to record all vaccination information is via the AIR site in HPOS or the relevant Practice Management Software.
For further information on reporting information to the AIR please visit the Australian Immunisation Register for health professionals page.



Australian Immunisation Handbook website update

The Australian Immunisation Handbook (AIH) websitemobile application and National Immunisation Catch-up Calculator (NICC) underwent an upgrade on 24 May 2022.

Updates include:

  • improved navigation, including an ‘On this page’ menu to allow you to quickly get to the sections you use, the ability to copy a link to, or bookmark a specific section on a page
  • greater clarity with ‘New’ and ‘Updated’ indicators to identify new or updated content, prominent highlighting of important information on a page
  • easier usability with the removal of ‘collapsible’ menus to make the website ‘back button friendly’ and easier to navigate
  • announcements to keep users informed about new and upcoming changes.

In addition, the NICC is also being expanded to support children under 10 years who are medically at-risk. 

Providers are encouraged to download the latest version of the AIH mobile app, and provide any feedback here.




Update on the School-based immunisation program

The School-based immunisation program (SBIP), is a nationally funded immunisation program which offers all students the opportunity to become protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Vaccines are offered to school aged students in:

  • Year 7 - human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough vaccine, delivered across two visits
  • Year 10 - meningococcal ACWY vaccine

This year, the routine school based immunisation program (SBIP) will provide vaccinations for eligible students (in Years 7 and 10), as well as catch-up vaccinations for the large number of students who missed routine school vaccinations in 2021 and 2020.
Immunisation providers are encouraged to opportunistically vaccinate students who may not have received all vaccines through the SBIP.
Further information on the SBIP can be found here



PA-Icon-14-(3).JPG  Digital Health Updates



ePrescribing and the Active Script List

Two years ago, the rollout of electronic prescriptions was fast-tracked in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, more than 56 million electronic prescriptions and repeats have been issued by more than 41,000 prescribers. 
For patients taking multiple medications, the Active Script List (ASL) provides further convenience and flexibility by removing the need for electronic tokens. Once they have an ASL, any electronic prescription created is automatically added to the ASL (unless the patient asks the prescriber not to) and the patient does not need to present a token at the pharmacy to get their script filled.

You can help your patients use electronic prescriptions, removing the need for them to manage multiple tokens on their mobile device, by encouraging them to talk to their pharmacist about registering for an Active Script List. To get an Active Script List individuals need to register at their local pharmacy. 
For more information about electronic prescriptions and ASL click here or access CPD accredited free online training for prescribers here: Electronic Prescribing in your Practice

Download a poster for your practice or a flyer for your patients



National Research Program - Telehealth

Insync Health, in association with Press Ganey, are inviting General Practice's to join a national research project to assess and profile the primary care industry’s response to delivering compassionate, connected care to patients through the medium of telehealth.  Participating practices will be provided with a short survey to share with their patients after a telehealth appointment, real-time access to results, and the ability to validate their performance compared to peer organisations across Australia.
Practices will also receive tailored insights and post-survey improvement support and resources, giving the opportunity to understand and respond  to direct feedback from those patients who access telehealth services. 

For more information, or to register for the research project contact or go to



Digital health: NASH SHA-1 to SHA-2 transition support

The Australian Digital Health Agency has published a new webpage for organisations who are yet to transition to a NASH PKI SHA-2 Certificate. All organisations should have plans in place to update their software to a version that can support NASH PKI SHA-2 certificates by 31 December 2022. 

Learn more



Digital Health – Check out our 'How To Series'

Over the past number of weeks we have been releasing videos and ‘how to’ fact sheets full of information in regards to Digital Health. These resources are all available by visiting our  Digital Health Toolkit webpage.
Each fortnight we upload videos, imagery and written information on all the important Digital Health tools. All you have to do is click here to choose what way you want to learn more.
As this ‘how to’ series is new to WAPHA we would love to hear your feedback, especially on if you find the information useful and if so, what medium do you prefer it in. You can email us with your feedback or any questions you may have on


Webinar-1-pink-(1).jpg  Other News



Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - Bowel Cancer Australia's signature event to raise awareness of Australia's second deadliest cancer and to also raise funds for  prevention, early diagnosis, research, quality treatment and the best care for everyone affected by bowel cancer.
Your practice can support Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - register your interest, fundraise and/or order an awareness pack.
Use Bowel Cancer Awareness Month to promote these messages  to your patients:

Four things you should know about bowel cancer screening

1. Australia has a free national screening program

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) is funded by the Australian federal government to help Australians check for bowel cancer in its early stages. The NBCSP sends free home test kits to Australians aged 50-74 with a listed address on the Medicare registry or Veterans Card. Eligible Australians will be sent an invitation to screen every two years from when they turn 50. You can order a free replacement kit if yours has expired or gone missing. 

2. The simple home test kit could save your life

Bowel cancer often develops with no symptoms and if left untreated, can spread to other areas of the body. The test kits are designed to detect small amounts of blood in your poo. If blood is detected, then further tests are required (usually a colonoscopy) which is used to diagnose many bowel conditions including bowel cancer. Bowel cancer screening is the best chance of finding a bowel cancer in its very early stages. When detected early, more than 9 out of 10 bowel cancers can be treated successfully. That's why this home screening test is so valuable - now is the time to tick bowel screening off your to-do list.

3. Bowel screening really is easy! 

People are often surprised by how quick, simple, and hygienic the test kit is. What's best is you can complete the test in the comfort and privacy of your own toilet! All you need to do is collect a small sample of two consecutive poos and return them in the reply-paid envelope to the laboratory for testing. The test kit comes with step-by-step instructions but there is also a Test Kit Helpline if you need any further help. Your results will be sent to you and your nominated doctor in the mail about two weeks after you post your samples. Make sure you put the kit somewhere close to the toilet,  so it's easy to reach when you are ready to use it.

4. Your loved ones are more likely to complete the test if you encourage them

Now you know how important bowel cancer screening is, you can help spread the word and encourage your eligible friends and family to complete the test kit. They might just need a gentle nudge and it could save their life!


For more information




Alert for clinicians: monkeypox virus infection now an urgently notifiable disease in Western Australia

As of 30 May 2022, monkeypox virus infection is an urgently notifiable disease in Western Australia (WA).

Medical and nurse practitioners, and pathologists, have a legal obligation to immediately report suspected or confirmed cases of monkeypox virus infection.

Read the full Monkeypox Clinician Alert



Free local mental health training and support for general practices

The COVID-19 pandemic is driving higher rates of mental ill-health than ever seen before. At a time when resources are stretched by the additional workload of COVID itself, the corresponding increase in mental health presentations is especially challenging.  
In response, a local partnership of government, business, philanthropists, and community services providers called Imagined Futures*, is working together to improve access to treatment and support for people experiencing depression and anxiety across the local government areas of Cockburn, Fremantle, and Melville.
Recognising the critical role that GPs play in treating mental ill-health, part of the group’s focus has been on how to best support practitioners at this difficult time. After consulting with local GPs and the WA Primary Health Alliance Imagined Futures has commissioned specific, localised mental health GP training, and curated resources packages designed especially for GPs and their patients.
Accordingly, later this month the partnership is offering a dinner workshop with acclaimed Psychiatrist Associate Professor Mat Coleman focusing on treating mental health in young people in recognition that increasing rates of mental ill-health is particularly evident in this cohort. In this interactive session, Associate Professor Coleman will present the latest in recommended treatments for depression and anxiety in young people.
Representatives from local community mental health providers, including headspace, lifeline and the new youth mental health service at St John of God Murdoch, will also be on hand to answer questions about what they offer and what makes for a good referral/ partnership.
By connecting with local mental health providers, attendees will gain a better understanding of referral options and processes to help alleviate some of the pressures they are facing.

Workshop details:
For: GPs working in the local government areas of Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville.
When: Thursday 30 June 2022 at 6pm
Venue: Blue Grill Café
Registrations close: 22 June 2022
Event Flyer: Click here

Register here
* The group’s work is informed by the grassroots Alliance Against Depression (AAD) framework to help combat suicide and depression in our community. Developed and tested in Europe, the AAD has been shown to reduce suicides and suicide-attempts by 24% over a two-year period.



Why should you cleanse your practice data?

In order to have quality data and positive patient outcomes you should have a regular process for data cleansing. By cleansing your data you are able to effectively see the active patients within your database and target them accordingly to improve both demographic and clinical data sets.

To ensure high quality data, it is essential to maintain your patient database with regular data cleansing and data quality improvement practices that are designed to keep health records accurate and current.

To achieve the benefits of sustainable digital health activities, it is important to have a continuous focus on data quality improvement. 
Our Practice Assist team has developed a range of resources to assist with data cleansing, archiving and base line data collection. 
Should you require any assistance with Data Cleansing please reach out to Practice Assist who can align you with your Primary care Navigator and Quality Improvement Coach. 


Did you order your CrazySocks4Docs? Crazysocksfordocs-CMYK-300dpi-1-e1615949457736.jpg

Crazy Socks 4 Docs day is about raising awareness of the mental health of all doctors and health practitioners around the world, and driving positive change via action! 

Sock Me is donating $2 to us for every pair of socks purchased through May and June 2022! Simply visit them to buy your socks, knowing that you are helping Crazysocks4docs at the same time!




Closing the Gap Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Co-payment Program

Registration Grace Period Reminder

The  Australian Government Department of Health would like to remind everyone about the registration grace period that allows First Nations people who are not correctly registered for the Closing the Gap (CTG) PBS Co-payment Program continued access to a reduced co-payment for PBS medicines covered under the Program.

During the registration grace period a warning message will appear in the pharmacy’s dispensing system advising that a patient isn’t correctly registered for the CTG PBS Co-payment Program. In this situation the First Nations person must be advised to speak to their PBS prescriber or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner about being correctly registered for the Program.

Please note:

PBS prescribers or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners can confirm if First Nations people are registered for the Program via HPOS prior to issuing a PBS prescription to be covered under the Program. If they are not, the system will indicate that the person is “inactive”.

Services Australia has established e-learning modules to help prescribers to:



Toolkit-(1).jpg  Practice Assist Tool Kit

Our Practice Assist website is home to a large range of resources developed and reviewed regularly to support general practice.

These resources are a compilation of face sheets, user guides, checklists, business plans and posters. They can be found in the Tool Kit pages on our website. In addition to this there are a small number of resources available in our Resource Library.

Should you find that the resources are currently not meeting your needs, please contact Practice Assist for further support.

Please see below links for quick reference with assisting you to view our Tool Kit pages where you will find our most current and available resources.

Recently published resources:

If you have an idea for a new resource or feedback on our current resources, please email with ideas and comments.


Webinar-1.jpg  Education & Events



COVID-19 Vaccination Information Session for CaLD Communities

Jointly organised by WA Primary Health Alliance and Ubuntu Australia

Friday 17 June (11.30am to 12pm)
Hillview Intercultural Community Centre
1-3 Hillview Place, Bentley

  • Do you have questions about the COVID vaccination?
  • Would you like to talk to an expert to find out more?
Come and hear the facts about COVID vaccines, and have your questions answered at this information session for the CaLD communities

View the flyer here for more information


The Heart of It – Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) in General Practice

Wednesday June 22 (6.30pm AWST)

Primary Care plays a critical role in keeping people with heart failure well enough in the community to reduce their need for hospitalisation.

Join us to hear from experts in the field and learn about WA Primary Health Alliance’s (WAPHA) commitment to the development of a Primary Care led project to support CHF patients living in The City of Armadale and the Midwest region.

By the end of this session participants will be able to:
1. Discuss social and economic factors impacting the prevalence of chronic heart failure in WA.
2. List best-practices guidelines for the management of chronic heart failure.
3. Explain the role of Primary Care in the multidisciplinary team approach to care for people with chronic heart failure.

Dr Lewis MacKinnon MBCHB FRACGP MRCGP (UK) – Doctor & Principal Doctor, Skye Medical Armadale
Helen McLean - Senior Healthcare Programs Officer, National Heart Foundation
Kiera Collier - Project Coordinator, Chronic Heart Failure, WAPHA

Register here



PEN CS WEBINARS: Understanding your data, as well as knowing how to access and improve your data is paramount to ongoing Quality Improvement

Multiple dates (see below June to July 2022)

Practice Assist in conjunction with Pen CS is running a series of webinars developed to provide you with a refresher on how to use Pen CS. These webinars will support you to evaluate your data, identify areas of improvement that you can work on to improve patient outcomes and meet Quality Improvement requirements.   

Regular review of your data will enable you to see opportunities for Quality Improvement which our team of Quality Improvements coaches can support your practice to implement.  

Along with our Primary Care Solutions team we have a dedicated Pen CS expert who will guide us through the fundamentals of using your data, in creating positive patient outcomes.  

These sessions have been designed to create a suite of resources that we can refer to and share in the future for new users of Pen CS and for those who have missed the previous sessions. If you would like a copy of previous webinars please contact Practice Assist on 1800 2 ASSIST (277 478)   

Register for upcoming sessions below. These sessions run every Wednesday at 12:30pm.

Wednesday 15 June 2022 At Risk Groups
Wednesday 22 June 2022 Chronic Disease
Wednesday 29 June 2022 Mental Health
Wednesday 6 July 2022 Custom searches / Practice requests
Wednesday 13 July 2022 Custom searches / Practice requests
Wednesday 20 July 2022 Custom searches / Practice requests



Webinar: Supporting your patient's choice - the expansion of cervical screening self collection

Thursday 23 June 2022 (7.00pm - 8.00pm AWST)
Target Audience: GP’s, Practice Nurses

From 1 July 2022, current eligibility criteria for access to self-collection under the National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP) self-collection policy will be removed. This change means that self-collection will be available to all women and people with a cervix under the NCSP and will no longer be restricted to under or never-screened women. Expanding the self-collection policy will give participants a choice in screening method – either self-collected or clinician collected – both of which are still accessed through a health professional. Healthcare providers such as GPs & practice nurses will continue to play a critical role in supporting patients with cervical screening.
At this webinar, Gynaecologic Oncologist, Dr Emma Allanson will discuss the change to the self-collection guidelines, as well as the evidence to support such a change.
Medical Scientist, Rossemarie Ramirez-Avalos will discuss the requirements for requesting and processing self-collected tests from pathology laboratories
Dr Emma Allanson, Consultant Gynaecologic Oncologist, King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women
Rossemarie Ramirez-Avalos, Medical Scientist, PathWest
Dr Kyria Laird, GP Clinical Editor, WA Primary Health Alliance
register here



Common Surgical Problems in Children
Webinar 1: Tips to aid, diagnosis and the appropriate management. Umbilical swelling, Inguinal lumps and Haemangiomas

Organizer Details: WAPHA - WA Primary Health Alliance, Perth Children’s Hospital

Held May 25, this was the first of a 3-part series in Common surgical problems in children.  This session covered Umbilical swellingInguinal  lumps and Haemangiomas.


View recording here

Common Surgical Problems in Children
Webinar 2: Tips to aid, diagnosis and the appropriate management. Undescended testicles, Scrotal Swellings and Foreskin Problems

June 15 (6:30 PM - 8:00 PM AWST)
Organizer Details: WAPHA - WA Primary Health Alliance, Perth Children’s Hospital

The second of three topics being presented on behalf of Perth Children’s Hospital.

This webinar will provide updated & relevant information on how to identify and treat Undescended testicles, Scrotal Swellings and Foreskin problems.

This webinar will aid in the diagnosis and the appropriate management of these conditions. How HealthPathways can assist in the shorting of wait times to see a specialist in Perth Children’s Hospital.



Common Surgical Problems in Children
Webinar 3: Tips to aid, diagnosis and the appropriate management. Abdomen acute, Chronic pain. The surgical aspects of Constipation

June 29 (6:30 PM - 8:00 PM AWST)
Organizer Details: WAPHA - WA Primary Health Alliance, Perth Children’s Hospital

The last of the three topics being presented on behalf of Perth Children’s Hospital.

This webinar will provide updated & relevant information on how to identify and treat Abdomen acute, Chronic pain along with the surgical aspects of Constipation that present in children.

This webinar will aid in the diagnosis and the appropriate management of these conditions. How HealthPathways can assist in the shorting of wait times to see a specialist in Perth Children’s Hospital.




Recording now available: HPV in Australia - Disease and Vaccination Webinar

The Immunisation Coalition’s annual update for GP’s, Immunisation Nurses, Pharmacists and other immunisation professionals was held on 25th May 2022.
The recording is now available and can be viewed here
To receive a certificate after viewing this recording, please complete the quiz here


Alcohol & Other Drug Network - a Project ECHO Initiative

The Alcohol & Other Drug Network – A Project ECHO Initiative has run three successful sessions, reaching over 25 participants. The Network is a community of practice model, providing a collaborative forum and community of practice for GPs and Allied Health Professionals, in which best practice treatment to benefit patient care is explored.
The sessions Feb – April, incorporated topics such as how to talk to your patient about alcohol and other drugs, motivational interviewing, relevant treatment and service supports for GPs. Participants were provided links to services and contact numbers for relevant services. The feedback received from the first three sessions included positive influence on skills and capabilities, also improve network connectedness.
The next three sessions are scheduled for every month on the fourth Thursday, 6 – 7:30pm. Session 4, 5 and 6, will cover a two part series on alcohol, and a session on effectively working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Upcoming Sessions

Session 5:  Let’s keep alcohol use under control

Part 2: Preventing relapse - Overview of Pharmacotherapies and Treatment supports
  • Pharmacotherapies for alcohol relapse prevention
  • Non-medical supports for relapse prevention
Speaker: Dr Richard O’Regan
Thursday 23 June, 6 – 7:30pm - Register now

Session 6: Understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alcohol and drug use

Working effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 
  • Cultural context of AOD use for Aboriginal people.
  • Meeting the needs of the Aboriginal community in remote and rural WA.
  • Approaches and interventions that work for Aboriginal people.
Speaker: Hope Community Services
Leah Ashwin– Counsellor/Educator, Calvin Ashwin – Peer Support Worker, Sam Doran – Goldfields Community Alcohol and Drug Service Manager.
Thursday 28 July, 6 – 7:30pm - Register now


Webinar recording now available: Cancer Screening Update for Practice Staff

Presented by WA Primary Health Alliance with WA Cervical Cancer Prevention Program, Cancer Council WA & BreastScreen WA

This webinar was held on Wednesday 1 June. Presentations include:
  • National Cervical Screening Program: Expansion of self-collection
  • HealthPathways WA demonstration and update – specifically around the Cervical
    Screening pathway
  • Who can have a BreastScreen and how are we being COVID safe?
  • National Cancer Screening Register: Digital access to participant bowel and
    cervical screening data
  • National Bowel Cancer Screening Program - Reducing bowel cancer burden through screening
Watch the webinar here


Other Webinars, Events & Workshops

Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence in Adults
Presented by Monash University
Various dates 2022

Polycystic Kidney Disease: diagnosis and monitoring
Presented by Kidney Health Australia
15 June 

Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference (CDIC) 2022
Presented by Public Health Association of Australia
20 to 22 June

Meeting the Cancer Screening Needs of the LGBTQA+ Community (covers breast, bowel and cervical)
Presented by Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer (ACPCC)
22 June

Advanced HIV Nursing Webinar – Pregnancy And Breastfeeding
Presented by ASHM
23 June

BreastScreen WA mobile visit to Harvey
Presented by BreastScreen WA
23 June to 19 July
Self collection of CST Webinars
Presented by Sexual Health Quarters
30 June
Foundations of Sexual and Reproductive Health
Presented by Sexual Health Quarters
11 to 12 July 
Contraceptive Implant Theory Workshop for Doctors
Presented by Sexual Health Quarters
12 July
BreastScreen WA mobile visit to Jurien Bay
Presented by BreastScreen WA
15 July to 8 August

The Immunisation Coalition’s 2022 Adult Immunisation Forum
Presented by AIF
22 August

Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention (Regional WA) 
Presented by Black Dog Institute 
Aug to Sept 
Joint Australasian HIV & AIDS + Sexual Health Conferences 
Presented by ASHM 
29 August - 1 September
Self collection of CST Webinars
Presented by Sexual Health Quarters
28 September
2022 ACNP National Conference: Inspiring Future Growth for Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice
Presented by ANCP
13-15 October


Practice Assist acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners and Elders of this country and recognises the significant importance of their cultural heritage, values and beliefs and how these contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the whole community.

While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this website.